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March 04, 2024

Protection against Ransomware: The Importance of Backups

The comprehensive Annual Ransomware Assessment 2023 sheds light on a significant challenge within the Dutch business sector: a disturbingly high percentage of organizations, 58%, did not have a backup system in place at the time they fell victim to a ransomware attack. This revelation highlights a critical lack of preparation and awareness around cybersecurity within many companies. The study, which focuses on companies with more than 100 employees, shows that no sector is immune to this threat, particularly the industrial and trade sectors that are most often affected.

Given this situation, it is crucial for companies to take immediate action and strengthen their cybersecurity measures. Here are some steps organizations can take:

  1. Invest in Advanced Backup Solutions 💾: Establishing a solid backup strategy is more than just storing data regularly. It’s about creating a resilient system where data is not only securely stored, but also quickly accessible in the event of an emergency. Consider using cloud-based solutions for an additional layer of redundancy and flexibility. Also ensure that backup procedures are tested regularly to ensure their integrity and effectiveness.
  2. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 🔐: MFA is a crucial step in protecting your systems from unauthorized access. Combining something that the user knows (e.g., a password), something that the user has (such as a smartphone or token), and sometimes something that is the user(biometrics) significantly strengthens security. MFA helps minimize the risks associated with stolen or weak passwords.
  3. Regular Training and Awareness Campaigns 🚀: The human element remains one of the biggest security risks. By regularly training employees on how to recognize phishing emails, secure password practices, and how to act in the event of suspicious activity, you build a culture of security awareness. This can be a powerful line of defense against common methods of attack.
  4. Comprehensive Security Audits and Penetration Testing with NIS2 🔍: The introduction of the NIS2 Directive plays a key role in increasing the cyber resilience of organizations within the EU. NIS2 sets stricter security requirements and notification obligations for critical and important entities, further emphasizing the importance of regular security audits and penetration testing. It encourages organizations to strengthen their security measures and proactively evaluate the resilience of their systems to cyber attacks. Implementing NIS2 requirements into your security strategy provides a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and mitigating risk, and emphasizes the importance of regular external and internal security assessments to ensure regulatory compliance and protect the digital infrastructure.
  5. Rapid Incident Response Plans with EDR ⏱️: Implementing an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution can play a critical role in enhancing your incident response plans. EDR provides advanced monitoring and response capabilities that help quickly identify, isolate and neutralize threats on endpoint devices. Through real-time data analysis and automatic response mechanisms, EDR systems can proactively detect and mitigate suspicious activity before it causes significant damage. Integrating an EDR solution into your security architecture not only increases the effectiveness of your incident response, but also improves your organization’s overall cyber resilience. This, combined with solid communication plans for internal and external stakeholders, ensures a robust approach in the event of a cybersecurity incident.

These steps are essential to creating a robust cybersecurity strategy. The Annual Ransomware Assessment 2023 serves as a wake-up call for Dutch companies to take their digital security seriously and take proactive measures against cyber threats.

For more in-depth insights and assistance in strengthening your cybersecurity posture, we invite you to contact our expert team. Together, we can work to create a more secure digital environment for your organization.

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protecting against ransomware attacks in 2023