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February 14, 2024

How CIS v8 & NIS2 Strengthen ISO 27001: A Strategic Synergy

In the world of information security, organizations constantly face the challenge of effectively protecting their data from ever-evolving threats. ISO 27001, an internationally recognized standard for information security management, provides a comprehensive framework for protecting sensitive corporate information. However, with the introduction of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls version 8, and NIS2, a unique opportunity arises to further strengthen and complement ISO 27001.

The Synergy Between CIS v8 and ISO 27001

CIS Controls v8 provides a set of cyber defense best practices specifically designed to help identify and mitigate the most common attacks on systems and networks. When CIS Controls are integrated with an ISO 27001 management system, it creates a robust synergy that enables organizations to take a more holistic approach to information security.

Strengthening Security Policies and Procedures.

ISO 27001 places a strong emphasis on establishing a security policy and associated procedures. By integrating CIS v8 controls, organizations can refine their policies and procedures with specific actions and techniques that improve the security of their information systems.

Risk Assessment and Treatment

A core aspect of ISO 27001 is conducting risk assessments to identify and assess threats to business information. CIS v8 can complement these assessments by providing targeted controls specifically designed to reduce the risks of the most common and impactful cyber threats.

Continuous Improvement

ISO 27001 emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement within the security management system. The dynamic and customizable nature of CIS v8 controls allows organizations to continually evaluate and refine their security measures, leading to an ever-stronger security posture.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is CIS v8 and how is it different from previous versions?
    • CIS v8 (Center for Internet Security Controls version 8) provides an updated set of security controls designed to help organizations defend against the most common cyber attacks. Compared to previous versions, CIS v8 puts more emphasis on cloud and mobile technologies, and simplifies implementation for a wide range of organizations.
  2. How does ISO 27001 support organizations in managing information security?
    • ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a framework for establishing, implementing, executing, monitoring, maintaining and continuously improving an ISMS. It helps organizations systematically manage their information security risks, including threats, vulnerabilities and impacts.
  3. What does the NIS2 directive mean and to whom does it apply?
    • NIS2 is the updated version of the EU’s Network and Information Security Directive, which imposes new and more stringent cybersecurity requirements on critical and important entities in sectors such as energy, transportation, health and digital infrastructure. The goal is to increase cybersecurity resilience and incident response capabilities across the EU.
  4. Can CIS v8 and ISO 27001 be used together to achieve NIS2 compliance?
    • Yes, the combination of CIS v8 and ISO 27001 can help organizations achieve NIS2 compliance. CIS v8 provides specific technical controls that reinforce security practices, while ISO 27001 provides a management framework for the overarching information security management system. Together, they provide a powerful approach to improving overall cybersecurity resilience and meeting the requirements of NIS2.
  5. How do organizations begin to integrate CIS v8, ISO 27001 and NIS2 into their security strategy?
    • Organizations can start by assessing their current security status against CIS v8 controls and the requirements of ISO 27001. This helps identify gaps in their security measures. They should then prioritize the implementation of controls and processes that will have the greatest impact on their security posture and support NIS2 compliance. It is advisable to work with expert consultants or security service providers to optimize integration and implementation.


The integration of CIS v8 and NIS2 provides an accessible and feasible path for smaller companies to significantly improve their information security. While implementing the full ISO 27001 standard can be an extensive and potentially daunting process for smaller organizations, the CIS v8 controls provide practical and targeted measures that companies can take to strengthen their cybersecurity without the need for large investments or extensive infrastructure.

NIS2, aimed at increasing cyber resilience within the EU, sets specific requirements for companies that are considered essential, but also provides valuable guidelines that can be useful for smaller companies striving to improve security. By focusing on the implementation of CIS v8 controls, smaller companies can take concrete steps to increase their resilience to cyber threats while working toward compliance with relevant aspects of NIS2.

Security foundation for SMEs: CIS v8 & NIS2 with ALTA-ICT

ALTA-ICT recognizes the unique challenges smaller companies face in navigating the complex landscape of information security. We are committed to providing support and guidance on implementing CIS v8 controls and understanding the implications of NIS2, to build a solid foundation of security that can evolve and grow with your business. Contact us for expert support to ensure that your security strategy not only meets but exceeds current standards, regardless of the size of your organization.

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CIS v8 and ISO 27001