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October 20, 2023

Data Protection Simplified: Discover Microsoft Purview

Globally, regulators are increasingly committed to protecting data privacy. Numerous laws, similar to the European AVG, are being introduced to protect personal data.

Increasing regulations around data protection

Not only the AVG, but also the NIS2 in Europe set rules about what companies are allowed to do with customer data. With these increasing regulations also comes the risk of high fines for non-compliance.

The importance of ethical data processing

Today, consumers expect brands to handle their data ethically. Failure in this can damage an organization’s reputation, which is difficult to repair.

How to effectively mitigate risks?

For stakeholders in risk management and data protection, the question is: How can we efficiently mitigate these risks? This is where Microsoft Purview comes in.

What is Microsoft Purview?

Microsoft describes Purview as a comprehensive set of data management solutions. Rather than one product, it is a suite of tools designed to protect data wherever it is stored. Purview improves visibility, interoperability and ease of use, which is especially beneficial to leaders in risk management and data protection.

The benefits of Microsoft Purview

Microsoft Purview offers comprehensive features ranging from data mapping and management to data labeling and data loss prevention. It helps stakeholders understand where their data resides and protects it while improving organizational compliance.

Implementing data protection strategy

Effective implementation of a data protection plan requires organizations to think strategically. Purview can help with implementation, but the policy itself must be unique to the company’s goals and risk tolerance.

The value of partnership

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) can assist in policy creation. Partners such as ALTA-ICT can help with technology implementation. In addition, there is a growing need for compliance event management services to provide a clear overview of an organization’s compliance posture.


Although Microsoft Purview is relatively new, the tools in it have been refined over many years. At ALTA-ICT, we have always worked with these tools. We help customers get the most out of their Microsoft licenses and minimize risk. Curious about the possibilities for your organization? Contact us today.

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