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November 14, 2023

Windows Hello for Business: Toward a Passwordless Windows Era

Microsoft is bringing biometric login capabilities to business and enterprise users of Windows 10 with Windows Hello for Business. This article explores how it works and how to roll it out to your users.

The End of the Waiting Age

Microsoft aims to make obsolete the infamous sticky bills with passwords, often taped to monitors. Organizations have put themselves in this situation by requiring complex passwords with long strings of numbers and special characters, leading to writing down and frequently resetting passwords.

Windows Hello for Business: A User-Friendly Solution

Fortunately for Windows users, Microsoft is now introducing an enterprise-grade method of biometric identification and authentication that does not require expensive hardware and is built directly into Windows 10 and 11.

How Windows Hello for Business Works

Hello is the most well-known form of biometric authentication supported by Windows. It allows Windows 10 and 11 users to log in via fingerprint or facial recognition. Hello for Business combines this idea with management tools and enforcement methods to ensure a uniform security profile.

Biometric Verification and Security

Windows Hello works by scanning a fingerprint or by taking an infrared picture of a user’s face. These unique physical characteristics of each user are combined with cryptographic keys that replace passwords as authentication methods.

PIN Use and Network Security

Unlike traditional passwords, which are transmitted over the network, the PIN in Windows Hello for Business acts as a gatekeeper to unlock a cryptographic key bound to the TPM of one device.

Deployment models of Windows Hello for Business

When implementing Hello for Business, organizations can choose from three models: cloud-only, hybrid and on-premises, each with specific features and requirements.

Rolling out Windows Hello for Business via Group Policy

Hello can be implemented in an enterprise and enforced through Group Policy. Important policy settings include enabling Hello for Business and allowing biometrics.

Implementation via Microsoft Intune

To create a Windows Hello for Business policy, use Microsoft Intune. Here you configure options such as TPM requirements, PIN length, and biometric authentication settings.

Future of Passwordless Authentication

With Windows Hello for Business, Microsoft is taking an important step toward the end of passwords by providing a seamless, affordable and easy-to-use authentication option in its most popular operating system.

Future of Passwordless Authentication and Role of ALTA-ICT

With Windows Hello for Business, Microsoft is taking an important step toward the end of passwords by providing a seamless, affordable and easy-to-use authentication option in its most popular operating system. At ALTA-ICT, we specialize in the implementation and maintenance of Microsoft Intune. Our expert team is ready to support organizations in integrating these advanced security solutions, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to a passwordless work environment. With our expertise in Intune, we ensure your business data remains secure and accessible while seamlessly integrating the latest technologies into your IT infrastructure. Schedule an introductory meeting with us via our digital Teams calendar.

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Windows Hello for Business offering passwordless authentication.png