Knowledge base

December 09, 2023

Cybersecurity with Microsoft 365 Attack Simulation Training

Phishing attacks pose a major risk to businesses worldwide, resulting in significant financial losses. Microsoft 365 provides an effective solution with the Training for Attack Simulation tool to train and make users aware of these threats.

What is Training for attack simulations?

This tool in Microsoft 365 allows organizations to simulate realistic phishing attacks. The goal is to make employees more aware of phishing and train them to recognize and prevent such attacks.

Training for attack simulation

Key Features:

  1. Realistic Simulations: Different types of attack techniques are simulated to prepare users for real-world scenarios.
  2. Policy Management and User Audits: Allows an organization to manage and analyze user responses to simulated attacks.
  3. Reporting and Analysis: Built-in reporting features provide insight into how users respond to different types of phishing attempts.
  4. Training Insights: Advanced analysis features help determine training effectiveness.

Benefits to Your Organization:

  • Reducing Risk: By training employees, you reduce the likelihood of successful phishing attacks.
  • Increased Awareness: Employees become more skilled at recognizing suspicious emails.
  • Protection of Business Data: By increasing cyber security, corporate data and processes are better protected.


Attack simulation training in Microsoft 365 is an essential part of a modern cybersecurity strategy. It not only provides training and awareness for employees, but also contributes to the overall safety of your organization. For more information about implementing and using this tool, contact ALTA-ICT.

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Training voor aanvalssimulatie