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August 21, 2024

Copilot: Data Compliancy First, Then Implement

With the rise of AI solutions such as Copilot, companies are eager to implement these new technologies.
However, before you get started, it’s crucial to first ensure complete data compliance.
In this blog, we explain why data compliance is so important and how ALTA-IC’s backup solution can help you do just that.

Why is Data Compliancy So Important?

Using AI like Copilot can greatly increase your productivity.
But without proper data compliance, serious risks can arise:

  • Protecting Sensitive Data: AI tools like Copilot access a lot of sensitive information.
    If you are not compliant, you run the risk of data breaches that can be detrimental to your business.
  • Legal Obligations: Many industries have strict rules about how data should be managed.
    Failure to comply can result in heavy fines and reputational damage.
  • Customer Trust: Customers trust that their data is kept secure.
    Failure to comply with compliancy can seriously damage this trust.

The Role of Backup Solutions at ALTA-ICT

ALTA-ICT offers a robust backup solution specifically designed to help with data compliance, especially when using AI solutions such as Copilot.

  • Automated Backups: ALTA-ICT ensures that all your data is automatically backed up so that you are always compliant with regulations.
  • Encryption: Sensitive data is stored encrypted, making it safe from unauthorized access.
  • Recovery options: In the event of a data breach or other calamity, ALTA-ICT provides fast and reliable recovery options so that your business operations are not compromised.
  • Compliance Monitoring: The solution provides tools to monitor regulatory compliance so you are always aware of your status.

Steps to Take Before Implementing Copilot

Before implementing AI solutions such as Copilot, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Evaluation of Current Compliance Status: Make sure you are fully aware of the current status of your data compliance.
  2. Enabling Backup Solutions from ALTA-ICT: Implement a reliable backup solution to ensure that all your data is secure and compliant.
  3. Training and Awareness: Make sure your team is well-versed in the new tools and rules around data compliance.
  4. Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure that you remain compliant with the latest regulations.


Implementing AI tools like Copilot offers tremendous benefits, but it can also pose risks if you are not compliant with regulations.
Discover the importance of governance within any organization here.
By choosing ALTA-ICT‘s backup solution, you ensure that your business not only benefits from AI, but also remains secure and compliant. Good to know: the backup of Microsoft 365 is included by default in all our modern workplace packages, so you are always assured of a complete and secure solution. 🛡️ Make sure your data is secure before you unleash the power of AI!

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