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December 16, 2023

Advanced Email Security: Protection by ALTA-ICT

In an era when cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, it is crucial for companies to strengthen their email security. ALTA-ICT introduces an advanced, integrated email security solution designed specifically to ensure the security of your email communications.

What is Advanced Email Security from ALTA-ICT?

This solution, powered by advanced AI technology, provides a powerful, automated defense against phishing attacks, including spear phishing and business email compromise (BEC). The system continuously monitors communication patterns and intercepts suspicious emails, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.

Core functions

  1. Three-Layered Security: The solution consists of three advanced layers of security that protect your organization from email attacks. This includes automatic detection and quarantine of malicious emails.
  2. AI-driven Automation: Uses AI and machine learning to collect threat data and continuously adapt to evolving threats, stopping 99% of advanced email attacks before they reach employees.
  3. Integration with Existing Platforms: The solution integrates seamlessly with existing email platforms, including Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, and provides real-time message analysis with no delay in email delivery.

Additional Benefits

  • EmployeeShield and Phish911: These features enable employees to proactively flag and isolate suspicious emails, promoting a culture of vigilance and accountability among employees.
  • Seamless Workflow: Because the solution is completely cloud-based, it requires no installation of agents, ensuring uninterrupted workflow and maximum productivity.
  • Cost-Saving and Efficient: A simple, automated and cost-effective email security and phishing defense platform.

Increase Awareness of Email Users with Security Banners

The banner you see in the image is an example of a security feature often added to e-mail systems to help users be more aware of potential security risks. This particular banner informs the recipient that the sender,, has never sent emails to your organization before. This is an important warning because it may indicate a phishing attempt, in which a malicious party tries to impersonate a trusted entity to obtain sensitive information.

enamel banner

The banner has two interactive elements that allow the user to take action:

  1. Report Phishing: Allows the user to report the email as suspicious. This is useful for IT security teams to conduct further analysis and take action as necessary to protect the organization.
  2. Remove Banner: If the user is familiar with the sender and is sure that the e-mail is safe, he/she can choose to remove the warning banner. This can occur with false positive detections, where the system mistakenly marks a legitimate sender as suspicious.

These banners are effective in increasing vigilance among users and provide a direct way to manage potentially dangerous emails. They play a crucial role in an organization’s defense strategy against email-based threats and help foster a culture of security awareness.

Why choose ALTA-ICT’s Advanced Email Security?

  • Protection Against Diverse Threats: Defends against a variety of email threats, including phishing and spear phishing, BEC, account takeover, identity forgery, malware and ransomware.
  • Strategic Put for Business Security: A technological and strategic solution to protect your business from advanced cyber threats.


ALTA-ICT’s Advanced Email Security is an essential step to protect your business in the ever-changing world of cybersecurity. Contact ALTA-ICT today to take your email security to the next level and protect your organization from advanced cyber threats.

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Advanced email security