Knowledge base

June 26, 2024

Windows Hello: Enhanced with New Capacities πŸ›‘οΈ

Microsoft has added new capabilities to Windows Hello, further improving security and usability. This biometric authentication technology is becoming increasingly powerful and versatile. Here are the main improvements:

Enhanced Face Recognition 🀳

  • More Accurate and Faster: Face recognition is now more accurate and responsive.
  • Works Under Different Lighting Conditions: Better in low light conditions.

Advanced Fingerprint Scanners πŸ‘†

  • Higher Reliability: Improved integration and reliability.
  • Faster Recognition: Faster response to fingerprints.

Support for More Devices πŸ–₯️

  • Wide Compatibility:Supports a wider range of devices.
  • Easy Configuration: Easier to configure for new users.

Windows Hello for Business: Business Security πŸš€

Windows Hello for Business provides a business-oriented extension of Windows Hello with enhanced security and management capabilities. Here are the main benefits:

  • Strong Two-factor Authentication: Replaces passwords with a combination of a device and biometrics or a PIN.
  • Part of Zero Trust Architecture: Reinforced by Microsoft’s Zero Trust security strategy, in which users’ identities are strictly verified before access is granted.
  • Support for Multifactor Authentication: Uses Azure Authenticator for a secure and mobile user experience.

Why Windows Hello for Business?

  • Security: Increased security through biometrics that are harder to hack than passwords.
  • Convenience: Quick and easy access without remembering passwords.
  • Future-oriented: Support for the latest technologies and devices, making it a sustainable solution.

Future Developments and Security πŸ”’

Microsoft is committed to a passwordless future, with a focus on strong user identity, device health and secure access. This includes:

  • Verification of User Identity: Only explicitly approved access to corporate resources.
  • Health Check of Devices: Only healthy devices get access to important applications.
  • Access Rights Management: Internet-first and ultimately Internet-only access methods for a secure work experience, even on remote devices.

With these improvements, Windows Hello for Business remains an indispensable tool for both personal and business environments. For more details, visit the full blog here.

Premium Security Packages

Windows Hello for Business is now included in our premium security packages. Stay secure and enjoy the latest technologies with Windows Hello! 🌟

For more details, visit the full blog here.

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Windows Hello