Knowledge base

August 09, 2024

WhatsApp Fraud: Recognize the Warning Signs and Protect Yourself

WhatsApp fraud is a growing problem in which scammers abuse the popular messaging app to steal personal information or money.
It’s important to know how to recognize this fraud and what you can do to protect yourself.
In this blog post, we discuss the most common forms of WhatsApp fraud, warning signs and provide tips for staying safe.

What is WhatsApp Fraud?

WhatsApp fraud, also known as “friend-in-need” fraud, is a type of scam in which criminals impersonate an acquaintance of the victim.
They often use hacked accounts or create fake accounts with a photo and name of an acquaintance to inspire trust.

Recognize the Warning Signs

It is essential to be alert for signs of fraud.
Here are some key signs:

  • Unexpected messages: Get a message from a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while?
    Be wary.
  • Request for money: Fraudsters often ask for money for an emergency, such as a stolen wallet or medical expenses.
  • Pressure to act fast: Scammers want you to act quickly so you don’t have time to think or check.
  • Unusual language or tone: Watch for language that does not match how your friend normally writes or talks.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

To protect yourself from WhatsApp fraud, follow these tips:

  • Verify identity: Call or send a message through another channel to confirm that you are really talking to your friend or family member.
  • Do not share personal information: Never give out personal information or financial information over WhatsApp.
  • Be careful with unknown numbers: If you receive a message from an unknown number claiming to be someone you know, be extra careful.
  • Install two-step verification: Activate two-step verification in WhatsApp to add extra security to your account.

What To Do At Suspicious Message?

If you receive a suspicious message, take the following steps:

  • Report the message: Use the “Report” feature in WhatsApp to report suspicious messages.
  • Block the sender: Block the number to prevent further messages.
  • Inform others: Alert your friends and family about the fraud so they can be alert as well.


WhatsApp fraud is a serious threat, but by being vigilant and following the right steps, you can protect yourself.
Stay alert, always verify the identity of the sender and do not share personal information.
Together, we can win the battle against online fraud!

For more information and tips on how to protect yourself from WhatsApp fraud, visit the official WhatsApp FAQ page.

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WhatsApp fraude