Knowledge base

November 22, 2024

What will the NIS2 guideline mean for your organization?


The world is digitizing at a rapid pace, and with it, the threat of cyber attacks is increasing. To better protect critical infrastructures, the NIS2 directive is coming. This new legislation has an impact on many organizations in the Netherlands. The introduction of the NIS2 directive has been postponed in the Netherlands until Q3 2025, but that doesn’t mean you can sit back. This European regulation brings stricter cybersecurity requirements and will be implemented in the Netherlands through the new Cyberbeveiligingswet (Cbw).But what exactly does it entail, and what should your organization do? Below we explain! 👇

What is the NIS2 guideline? 📜

The NIS2 (Network and Information Systems) Directive is a European legislation that:

  • Organizations required to increase their cyber resilience¹. 🛡️
  • Stricter requirements for sharing information about cyber incidents. 🔄
  • Allow more industries to be covered, such as healthcare, transportation and cloud providers. 🚑🚚☁️

In short, the NIS2 expands the focus and requires companies to be more proactive in their digital security.



Who will be affected by the NIS2? 🎯

It applies to organizations that:

  • Playing a critical role in society, such as energy, telecom and finance. ⚡📞💶
  • Have more than 50 employees or a turnover above 10 million euros. 📊



Ensure efficient registration

Organizations covered by the NIS2 Directive have a legal obligation to provide data for the Entity Register. This register gives the European Union better insight into the digital resilience of organizations. In the Netherlands, this registration is provided by the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). 🖊️🌍 The registry requires input from various departments within your organization, as both network and organizational data are needed. For example, involve the CISO, (IT) security consultant, network administrator or director. Gather the required information in advance so that the registration can be completed in less than 10 minutes. Use the “NIS2 Registration Checklist”² to make the procedure run smoothly. Medium-sized companies with an essential role in the chain should also prepare and take action.


Start the NIS2 registration³

What to do. ✅

To comply with the NIS2 directive, it is important to act quickly. Here are a few steps to get your organization ready:

  • Analyze your risks: Map your current cyber security and identify weaknesses. 🕵️‍♂️
  • Implement security measures: Consider firewalls, monitoring, and firm patch policies. 🔒
  • Establish an incident response plan: Make sure you know how to respond in the event of a cyber attack. 🚨
  • Register your organization: Check if your organization is covered and register with the NCSC in a timely manner. 🖊️
  • Collaborate: Share information with others to jointly address cyber threats. 🤝



Why is this important? 🌍

Complying with the NIS2 directive is not only a legal obligation, but also an opportunity to make your organization stronger against digital attacks. Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and this guideline helps you stay ahead.



Ready for the future? 🚀

With the NIS2 directive¹, protecting your digital infrastructure becomes more important than ever. By taking action now, you ensure that your organization is compliant as well as more secure. Don’t forget to submit your data for the entity registry to the NCSC, so your organization contributes to a safer digital Europe. 💻🔐

Have questions about the NIS2 or don’t know where to start? Please feel free to contact us via our contact page


¹ ² ³



About the author

My name is Alta Martes, a specialist in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, with a focus on modern workplace management, cloud security and identity & access management. With years of experience, I help organizations optimize their IT infrastructure and create a secure, efficient digital workplace. 🎯 Need help with your Microsoft 365 strategy?
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