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September 12, 2024

Protecting AI systems with Microsoft Prompt Shields

With the growing popularity of AI systems, such as OpenAI on Azure, security risks are also increasing.
Microsoft has therefore launched Prompt Shields, an advanced security feature designed specifically to protect AI systems from malicious attacks.

What are Prompt Shields?

Prompt Shields are designed to counter two types of attacks:

  • Direct Jailbreak Attacks: This occurs when malicious users attempt to deliberately manipulate an AI system to bypass certain rules or generate inappropriate responses.
  • Indirect Prompt-Injection Attacks: This type of attack is more subtle and can occur when malicious input is embedded in legitimate data.
    For example, instead of directly hacking the AI, the malicious code is included in text, such as in emails or documents, to make the AI respond in a way that was not intended.

Why is this important?

💼 AI and the business world: More and more companies are relying on AI systems to automate tasks and analyze data.
This means AI often has access to sensitive business information, making it an attractive target for cybercriminals.
💣 Dangers of indirect attacks: These attacks are particularly dangerous because they often go undetected until the damage is already done.
Companies that do not properly protect their AI systems run the risk of hackers taking control of systems through clever injections.

The power of Prompt Shields

🔐 Preventative measure: Prompt Shields provides an extra layer of security for AI systems, preventing harmful prompts from leading to dangerous situations.
This is especially useful in industries where sensitive information is handled, such as healthcare, finance and government agencies.
🌍 Language support: While the system is strong in languages such as English, Chinese and Spanish, there are limitations for other languages.
Microsoft continues to work on improvements to support more languages to ensure the security of AI systems worldwide.

Benefits of this innovation

  • Automatic defense: Companies no longer need to manually intervene to protect their AI systems from complex attacks.
    Prompt Shields takes much of this work off your hands by working in the background.
  • Focus on security-first: With the growing demand for AI solutions, the focus on security is also increasing.
    Microsoft is capitalizing on this by developing innovative tools that can fend off both simple and advanced attacks.


While Prompt Shields represents a strong advance in AI security, limitations must be considered.
There may be security gaps for less common languages, meaning additional measures may be needed in international environments.

Future of AI security

With initiatives such as Prompt Shields, Microsoft is setting the tone for the future of AI security.
As AI further integrates into our digital infrastructure, the demand for advanced security mechanisms will only increase.
We can expect Microsoft and other players in the market to continuously innovate to address the ever-evolving threats.
🔍 In short, Prompt Shields is a crucial step in securing AI systems against threats that are difficult to detect, and it provides businesses with a powerful tool to protect their digital environment.

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Prompt Shields OpenAI op Azure