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September 13, 2024

Microsoft Office 2024: ActiveX controls disabled by default

Microsoft recently announced that Office 2024 will include an important change: ActiveX controls will be disabled by default.
This move is part of their ongoing efforts to improve the security and performance of their office software.
But what exactly does this mean for users?
Let’s discuss the key points!

What are ActiveX controls? 🤔

ActiveX controls are a technology long supported by Microsoft and are primarily used for embedding interactive features in Office documents and Web pages.
Think of things like interactive forms, buttons and other dynamic elements.
While once very popular, they also have a number of drawbacks, including:

  • Security risks: ActiveX controls are susceptible to outside attacks, making them a target for hackers.
  • Compatibility issues: ActiveX works primarily on Windows, which imposes limitations on other platforms such as macOS.
  • Outdated technology: With the advent of more modern, secure technologies, such as JavaScript and HTML5, the use of ActiveX has continued to decline.

Why does Microsoft disable ActiveX controls? 🔐

Microsoft is constantly improving the security of its products, and disabling ActiveX is a logical step.
Here are the main reasons:

  • Increased security: ActiveX has been a source of security problems in the past.
    Disabling this technology by default reduces potential vulnerabilities in Office apps.
  • Better performance: Office applications can run slower due to ActiveX elements.
    Disabling them allows documents to open and edit faster.
  • Modernizing Office: Microsoft wants to make Office more user-friendly and secure by leaning on modern Web standards such as JavaScript and HTML5.

What does this mean for users? 👥

If you use ActiveX controls in your documents or solutions, you will find them disabled by default in Office 2024.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • No direct impact for most users: Most Office users will not notice a difference, because ActiveX controls are not used as much anymore.
  • Ability to manually enable ActiveX: For those who still rely on this technology, Microsoft provides an option to manually re-enable ActiveX controls through settings.
  • Rely on alternatives: For those currently still using ActiveX, now is a good time to consider switching to more secure and modern alternatives, such as HTML5 and JavaScript.

What you need to do to prepare:

When this change takes effect, if you need to use ActiveX controls in Office documents, you can revert to the previous default behavior by using one of the following methods:

  • In the Trust Center Settings dialog box, under ActiveX Settings, select the Ask me before enabling all controls with minimal restrictions option.
  • In the registry, set the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER_DWORD to 0 (REG_DWORD).
  • Set the group policy setting Disable All ActiveX to 0.

When will Microsoft Office 2024 be released? 📅

Microsoft Office 2024 is expected to be released in the second half of 2024.
Although an exact date has not yet been confirmed, the focus is on a launch sometime between September and November 2024.
As usual, the new version of Office will be made available to both residential users and businesses.
Microsoft will likely come up with advance beta programs, where IT professionals and large organizations can get early access to prepare for the changes.
It is advisable to keep a close eye on Microsoft’s official updates for further details on the exact release date and specific features that will be available in Office 2024.
For Microsoft 365 apps, this change will be rolled out incrementally, beginning in April 2025.

How do you enable ActiveX (if necessary)? ⚙️

Although Microsoft disables it by default, you can enable ActiveX manually in specific cases.
This can be useful for companies using older ActiveX-based tools.
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open Office 2024 and go to Options.
  2. Navigate to the Security or Advanced Settings tab.
  3. Look for the ActiveX section and choose the option to enable it.
  4. Be aware that enabling ActiveX can make your computer more vulnerable to security risks.

What does this mean for the future of Office? 🔮

This change is a clear indication that Microsoft continues to innovate and focus on a more secure and modern platform.
Here are a few things to expect in the future:

  • More emphasis on security: Disabling outdated technologies such as ActiveX is just one step in Microsoft’s broader strategy to make Office more secure.
  • Better integration with modern technologies: With the adoption of HTML5 and JavaScript, we can expect more Web-based features that are both more secure and faster.
  • A streamlined user experience: Fewer technical hurdles and more focus on usability will further optimize Office products for both individual and business users.

Conclusion 🎯

Microsoft’s decision to disable ActiveX controls in Office 2024 is a step forward in their ongoing commitment to security and performance.
While this change may take some users some getting used to, in most cases it offers nothing but benefits.
This is the perfect time to leave outdated technologies behind and move to more modern, secure alternatives.
Do you still have ActiveX-based solutions?
Then now is the time to consider how to modernize your documents with more secure and efficient tools. 💡

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Microsoft Office 2024