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October 13, 2024

How to implement DMARC faster: Tips and Tricks

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is essential for email security, but implementation can often take months.
Companies large and small can run into various challenges.
Fortunately, there are ways to speed up the process, and in this blog I share some practical tips for implementing DMARC quickly and effectively. πŸ’‘

Why is DMARC important? πŸ”

DMARC helps companies protect their domain from unauthorized use, such as phishing and spoofing.
It does this through a combination of SPF and DKIM controls.
Once your DMARC policy is in place, you protect your brand and your customers from malicious emails.
But the road to DMARC enforcement (p=reject) can be long and bumpy.
Here are a few tips to speed up the process!

1. Ensure full visibility πŸ‘€

Before you start the DMARC race, you need to know who all is sending emails on behalf of your domain.
This is often complex, especially in large organizations with many third parties.

  • Tip: Use tools that automatically identify senders and monitor your domains.
  • Benefit: Less manual work and faster identification of senders.

2. Reduce complexity of SPF implementations πŸ›‘

A major obstacle with DMARC is the SPF lookup limit.
Too many third parties can cause you to exceed this limit, which can lead to email delivery errors and security issues.

  • Tip: Use technology such as Instant SPF, which automatically updates your SPF data and helps you bypass the lookup limit.
  • Benefit: No delay due to DNS propagation and you remain protected.

3. Manage your DKIM keys centrally πŸ”‘

Every domain needs DKIM keys to confirm that an e-mail has not been manipulated.
However, this can become a messy job, especially if you are working with multiple systems.

  • Tip: Use a central location to manage all your DKIM keys.
  • Benefit: Less risk of error and less hassle with multiple logins and platforms.

4. Avoid a long implementation period ⏳

Many companies linger too long in the β€œp=none” phase, meaning they are still exposing their domain to risk.
It is important to move to β€œp=reject” as soon as possible to ensure full protection.

  • Tip: Take advantage of automated solutions that help you quickly implement the right policy settings.
  • Benefit: Save time and avoid human error.

5. Choose the right tools πŸ› οΈ

A tool like Valimail can help you implement DMARC 4x faster than other providers.
Automation and good customer support are essential for a smooth transition to DMARC enforcement.

Summary 🎯

DMARC is crucial for email security, but implementing it can be challenging.
By using smart technologies and automation, you can significantly speed up this process. Quick tips for DMARC success:

  • Ensure full visibility of your senders
  • Use tools to avoid SPF lookup limits
  • Manage your DKIM keys centrally
  • Speed up your implementation by going to β€œp=reject” as soon as possible
  • Choose a reliable tool to simplify this process

πŸ’‘ DMARC is a race against time, but with the right strategy, you win every time!

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