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December 25, 2023

IT Check: The Zero Measurement for Your IT Environment.

In a rapidly changing digital world, it is crucial for companies to continuously evaluate their IT policies and security. IT-Check is an efficient method that ALTA-ICT uses to give companies a clear starting point for their IT security and policies.

What is IT Check?

IT Check is a thorough evaluation of your IT policies and systems. This assessment identifies existing deficiencies and determines how well your policy meets the requirements of each cyber risk policy. This is particularly useful for companies looking to compare their current policies with potential insurance policies.

The Benefits of an IT Check

  1. Identification of Weaknesses: Gain insight into weaknesses within your IT policies and systems.
  2. Alignment with Cyber Risk Policies: Determine how well your current policy matches the terms of cyber risk insurance policies.
  3. Basis for Remediation: Use the assessment as a basis for developing a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) to address problems.

How ALTA-ICT Can Help

At ALTA-ICT, we understand the importance of a strong IT security strategy. Our IT Check provides a detailed analysis of your IT environment, including:

  • Thorough Assessment: An in-depth review of your IT policies and practices.
  • Custom Standards: The ability to run assessments against any standard in the system or that you create yourself.
  • Automation of Compliance Documentation: Creating a complete set of automated compliance documents for each adopted standard.
  • Awareness and Compliance: Ensure that all end users and employees are aware of and comply with your policies.
  • Supplier Assessment: Verify that all suppliers touching your data meet your requirements.

IT Compliance Check: Navigating GDPR, CIS and POPIA Standards.

With increasing regulatory complexity and the constant evolution of cyber threats, it is crucial for organizations to ensure that their IT infrastructure and data management comply with key control standards and legislation. An IT check by ALTA-ICT can help you navigate the landscape of cybersecurity and compliance, with a focus on leading standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls, SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) of South Africa

GDPR, as a data protection and privacy directive in the European Union, requires strict processes and procedures for managing personal data. Our IT check ensures that your organization is not only compliant with these regulations but also optimally positioned to protect customers’ personal data.

CIS Controls offers a set of cybersecurity best practices that are essential to counter the most common cyberattacks. By evaluating your systems against these controls, ALTA-ICT can help identify and mitigate critical vulnerabilities.

SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) is an important framework for companies providing cloud services or managing data in the cloud. It focuses on five trust service principles: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. An IT check against SOC 2 standards, performed by ALTA-ICT, ensures that your organization has reliable systems that keep information secure and private. This is critical not only for maintaining customer confidence, but also for regulatory compliance and risk reduction. With our thorough approach to SOC 2 compliance evaluation, ALTA-ICT provides companies with assurance that their service processes and controls meet the highest standards.

Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), the South African equivalent of GDPR, imposes obligations on organizations that process personal information within South Africa. An IT check against POPIA ensures that your organization meets these requirements and protects data privacy.

By combining this assessment with our expertise, ALTA-ICT can provide a detailed overview and recommendations that enable your organization to proactively respond to the complex demands of cybersecurity and compliance.


An IT Check is an essential first step for any company that takes its IT performance and security seriously. With ALTA-ICT, you get a clear picture of your IT environment and the necessary recommendations for improvement.

Contact Us

Are you interested in an IT Check of your IT environment? Contact ALTA-ICT for a comprehensive evaluation and expert advice. Together, we provide a robust, efficient and secure IT infrastructure.

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