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January 05, 2024

ALTA-ICT’s Governance Solution for Microsoft Teams Management

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, Microsoft Teams has become indispensable. However, with this increasing reliance on digital collaboration also comes new management challenges. Teams can lead to a disorganized environment, redundant teams and even data breaches, mainly due to uncontrolled external sharing and lack of oversight.

The Challenge

At the heart of these challenges lies how to effectively manage Teams while ensuring security. Common problems include a lack of visibility of all teams, IT department overload due to numerous requests from end users, and a proliferation of teams due to uncontrolled creation by these users.

ALTA-ICT’s Solution

To address these challenges, ALTA-ICT introduces an advanced governance solution. This solution provides complete visibility, security and control of Microsoft Teams in your organization. It enables organizations to manage and secure Teams efficiently, with attention to both management and ease of use.

Core functions:

  1. Complete Visibility of Teams: A simple overview of all types of teams and associated groups within the organization.
  2. Detection of Channels and Users: Identifying private channels, orphan teams and assigning new owners.
  3. Manage Guest Users: Overview of all guest users within Teams.
  4. Data Security: Tight control over user permissions to protect data.
  5. Efficient Management: Easy addition or removal of team members and guest users.
  6. Automated Alerts: Set up alerts for various activities and user types.
  7. Workspace Creation Simplification: Using templates to create workspaces.
  8. Promoting Content Owners: Enabling owners to manage their workspaces.
  9. Control over Teams: Manage who can create new workspaces and under what conditions.


ALTA-ICT’s governance solution for Microsoft Teams is an essential tool for any organization striving for efficiency, order and security in their digital workspace. With this solution, organizations can meet the challenges of the digital age while effectively managing and securing their Teams environment. Don’t hesitate to contact us to explore options for your organization.

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Microsoft Teams Governance